Anand Biochem

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Growing Solutions for Tomorrow's Agriculture

Developing integrated pest management strategies and disease control methods to protect crops while minimizing the use of pesticides.

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Enhancing Agriculture with Expert Fertilizer Analysis

Tailored solutions to meet plant-specific needs, minimize waste, and maximize productivity.

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Reliable Seed Testing for Superior Crop Yields

Ensure robust crop establishment and maximize your yield potential with our comprehensive seed quality testing and analysis services.

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Precise Water Analysis for Flourishing Fields

Harvest Success from Every Drop: Tailored Testing Solutions for Your Crop's Perfect Quench.

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Welcome to Anand Biochem R & D Center

Anand Biochem Research and Development Center, a division of Anand Agro Care  provides quality testing services to farming community by doing soil, water, pesticides, Bud, petiole, Fertilizer and other agricultural input samples analysis. It also has separate advisory team giving suggestions to farmers based on test results to protect their soil fertility and to increase the crop yield.

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Delivering Superior Results Since 2022
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Research & Development

We have a state-of-the-art infrastructure for doing all activities. For this we have separate air handling unit supported R & D laboratory, preparation laboratories, production & packaging units. All these units are having inter- segregated areas with epoxy flooring systems that greatly support the efforts involved in maintaining a contaminant-free environment.

What We Do

We offer a wide range of agricultural analysis solutions tailored to optimize crop yield and quality. Our goal is to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to maximize productivity while promoting sustainable farming practices.

Microbial Analysis

Microbial analysis is a detailed process used to...

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Pesticide Formulation Analysis

Pesticide formulation analysis is a scientific process used...

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Bud Differentiation Analysis

Bud differentiation analysis is a specialised technique that...

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Seed Analysis

Seed analysis is a vital process that evaluates...

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Fertilizer Analysis

Fertilizer analysis is a systematic process crucial for...

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Petiole Analysis

Petiole analysis offers a detailed examination of plant...

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Water Analysis

Water analysis is a comprehensive scientific procedure crucial...

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Soil Analysis

Soil analysis is a scientific process used to...

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Photo Gallery

Meet the exceptional team behind Anand Agro, a dynamic group of professionals driven by a shared mission to empower farmers and enhance agricultural practices.

Testing Insights: An Informative Journey

Dive into the realm of agricultural testing processes with our enlightening infographic. From soil to water, petiole, and fertilizer analysis, gain insights into the intricate methods that drive agricultural innovation.

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Explore the world of agricultural excellence as we showcase our comprehensive range of products, solutions, and expertise.


In Anand Biochem Research and Development Center for microbial analysis of soil/water/ fruits /roots / leafs and other samples having microbial load we provide.
रमेश पाटील

आनंद बायोकेम रिसर्च अँड डेव्हलपमेंट सेंटरमुळे माझ्या शेताची माती आणि पाण्याचे अचूक विश्लेषण झाले. त्यांनी दिलेल्या सल्ल्यामुळे माझ्या जमिनीची सुपीकता वाढली आणि पिकांच्या उत्पन्नात लक्षणीय वाढ झाली. त्यांच्या उत्तम सेवेसाठी मी अत्यंत आभारी आहे.

सुनीता गावडे

मी आनंद अ‍ॅग्रो केअरच्या NABL मान्यताप्राप्त लॅबमधून माझ्या शेतातील माती आणि पाण्याचे परीक्षण केले. त्यांच्या विश्लेषणानुसार मिळालेल्या सल्ल्याने माझ्या पिकांच्या उत्पादनात वाढ झाली आणि खर्च कमी झाला. त्यांच्या सल्लागार टीमने दिलेल्या मार्गदर्शनामुळे माझ्या शेताचा फायदा झाला.

मंगेश शिंदे

माझ्या शेतातील माती आणि पाण्याच्या गुणवत्तेचे परीक्षण आनंद बायोकेम रिसर्च अँड डेव्हलपमेंट सेंटरने केले. त्यांच्या विश्लेषणानुसार त्यांनी दिलेल्या सल्ल्यामुळे माझ्या शेतात चांगले उत्पादन मिळाले. त्यांच्या विश्वासार्ह सेवेसाठी मी त्यांचे आभार मानतो.

Mr. Ramesh Patil

In the world of agriculture, where the battle against diseases like Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Leaf Blight, and various fungal infections is constant, finding effective solutions is paramount. As a seasoned farmer with over five years of experience, I've had the privilege of utilizing Nano Shield, a remarkable product that has revolutionized disease control in my farm.

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मातीतील नत्र, स्फुरद, आणि पालाश (NPK) याचे प्रमाण-

मातीतील नत्र, स्फुरद, आणि पालाश (NPK) याचे प्रमाण-

1.पिकांच्या वाढीसाठी नत्र, स्फुरद आणि पालाश हे अत्यंत महत्त्वाचे अन्नघटक असून माती परीक्षणामुळे आपल्या माती मधिल  या तीन घटकांचे नेमकं प्रमाण किती…

निरोगी रोपांच्या वाढीसाठी मातीच्या संरचनेचे महत्त्व

निरोगी रोपांच्या वाढीसाठी मातीच्या संरचनेचे महत्त्व

शेतीमध्ये मातीची रचना हा अत्यंत महत्त्वाचा विषय आहे. घराच्या पायाप्रमाणेच, मातीची रचना वनस्पतींच्या निरोगी वाढीसाठी आणि उत्पादकतेसाठी महत्त्वपूर्ण आहे.   मातीची संरचना…