Soil testing is a scientific process used to assess the chemical, physical, and biological properties of soil. It involves collecting soil samples from various locations within a field and analysing them to determine key characteristics such as nutrient levels, pH, organic matter content, texture, and presence of contaminants.
Through soil testing, farmers gain valuable insights into the health and fertility of their soil, allowing them to make informed decisions about crop management practices. By understanding the nutrient composition and pH of the soil, farmers can optimise fertiliser application, adjust soil amendments, and implement irrigation strategies to promote healthy plant growth and maximise crop yields.
Soil testing also plays a crucial role in sustainable agriculture by guiding practices that maintain soil health and prevent environmental degradation. By regularly monitoring soil properties, farmers can identify potential issues such as nutrient deficiencies, soil acidity, or contamination early on, enabling timely interventions to preserve soil productivity and support long-term agricultural sustainability.